Woman looking at iPhone: how to find your brand voice as a blogger or solopreneur.

Something that new bloggers fail to focus on is a blog tone of voice. It’s what makes a blog stand out, sound human and attract people to it. Struggling to figure out how to find your brand voice for your blog or solopreneur business?

Ever wonder why some blogs and experts attract you? There is something about them that “speaks to you”.

The secret is that they have found their ideal brand voice and brand personality, and have used it consistently in personal branding activities and content on all platforms.

This is very much the same thing as a social media tone of voice.

Yes, I’m adding another task to your long list of blogging/business duties.

However, I promise, it’s not as hard as it may seem.

The best part, this can all be tweaked as needed later on.

Branding your blog or solo business will include layering on a brand personality and tone of voice. And it will include a big dose of what makes you, you!

We’ll look at:

  • What a brand voice is
  • How can easily find your unique brand voice
  • A full list of brand personality traits (brand personality adjectives)
  • How to consistently implement it effectively in any content you produce

Let’s get started!

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What Is A Brand Voice For Bloggers And Solopreneurs?

Consider this: blogging is a solo business for the most part.

The same applies if you are a freelancer, coach or consultant working on your own. In other words, you’re a solopreneur.

You are the face of the blog brand or your business brand.

Unless you are a multi-person business brand, with a mission and set of values that are shared among all employees, people will look to you as the one that sets the brand voice.

What does brand voice mean anyway?

Brand voice is about having your personal brand – your personality – come through your words and tone of voice.

Consider the types of blog content that are out there:

  • Dry, educational without any personal anecdotes or examples.
  • Posts in which you can see that a person has written it: the language is quirky, witty, authoritative, etc.
  • Content that is written with a conversational tone.

Word choice and grammar matter, as they set the tone of your site and your content.

How your readers react is important.

If you’re a coach or service provider, you want to come across as professional but approachable.

You want to be perceived as somebody others would like to hire.

If you’re a blogger who wants to be known as an expert, you may tone down the approachable, and boost up the informative tone of voice.

| RELATED: How To Get Past Imposter Syndrome As A Blogger Or Solopreneur

How To Find Your Brand Voice For Your Blog Or Business

So, how do you go about finding your brand voice?

As the sole person behind a blog or a solopreneur business, it really starts with you.

Your personal brand and your blog or business brand are often intertwined. People are attracted to people, not soulless sites and businesses.

But what if you’re an introvert? Does this mean you have to be “out there” sharing everything about yourself?

Absolutely not!

Having a brand voice as a blogger or solopreneur doesn’t mean revealing everything about yourself.

What Is Your Brand Voice?

So, what is your personal brand voice?

How do you come across personality-wise in your content? How about when you speak with people about your blog or your business?

What would people say is your personality like?

Here are some that may describe your style:

  • Authoritative
  • Conversational
  • Quirky
  • Passionate
  • Authentic
  • Motivating
  • Sarcastic
  • Critical

Write down the top three that BEST DESCRIBE your personality that’ll work with your brand and be part of your content.

My three brand voice traits are:

  1. Conversational
  2. Authentic
  3. Trustworthy

From this point, I’ll expand them with brand personality adjectives:

For example, conversational can be: informal, idiomatic, friendly, or personal.

Come up with your list of three brand voice traits and brand personality traits. Establishing these will help you as you move forward with your content creation.

Create Messaging And Rules For Using Your Blog Brand Voice

Once you have determined your three key brand personality traits and your brand voice, it’s time to create rules around how you communicate.

You’ll want to create a simple table for yourself broken down like this:

Brand VoiceDescriptionDoDon’t
AuthenticWe’ll find you the right insights and tools, and contacts to help you achieve your goals: even if they go beyond our products and services.– Keep to your word
– Tell it like it is
– Be honest and direct
– Over promise
– Be untruthful
– Be unrealistic with setting expectations
ConversationalWe treat our readers and clients as if they were our good friends: we want them to see them succeed at their goals.– Be personable and friendly, showing the reader you understand where they are coming from.
– Use everyday language and idioms you would use in a face-to-face conversation
– Be informal and relaxed.
– Be authoritative and information-focused.
– Use jargon
– Come across a condescending and snobby.
TrustworthyWe strive to be a credible resource for our readers and clients, helping them get the correct answers they need every time.– Give knowledgeable/well-researched answers
– Engage readers/clients in meaningful conversations
– Use personal examples when possible when sharing strategies and tips
– Provide inaccurate information
– Come across as focused only on making money
– Create content without “walking the talk”

Brand Personality Traits: Brand Personality Adjectives List

Stuck wondering what adjectives can be used for your brand personality traits?

Here’s a list of over 105 brand personality adjectives to get you started.

This is by no means an exhaustive list, so it’s a good idea to have your thesaurus close by!

  1. Accessible
  2. Active
  3. Adaptable
  4. Adventurous
  5. Ambitious
  6. Approachable
  7. Aspirational
  8. Assertive
  9. Authoritative
  10. Bohemian
  11. Bold
  12. Brave
  13. Bright
  14. Bubbly
  15. Calm
  16. Candid
  17. Carefree
  18. Casual
  19. Charming
  20. Cheerful
  21. Classic
  22. Collaborative
  23. Colourful
  24. Cool
  25. Comprehensive
  26. Cozy
  27. Crafty
  28. Creative
  29. Cultured
  30. Cutting Edge
  31. Daring
  32. Delicate
  33. Distinctive
  34. Down to Earth
  35. Dynamic
  36. Edgy
  37. Elegant
  38. Eloquent
  39. Energetic
  40. Established
  41. Fearless
  42. Formal
  43. Fun
  44. Genuine
  45. Harmonious
  46. Heartfelt
  47. Helpful
  48. High-end
  49. Honest
  50. Hopeful
  51. Inclusive
  52. Industrial
  53. Informal
  54. Innovative
  55. Inspirational
  56. Intentional
  57. Inviting
  58. Joyful
  59. Kind
  60. Knowledgeable
  61. Lively
  62. Logical
  63. Loyal
  64. Luxurious
  65. Magical
  66. Mature
  67. Meaningful
  68. Mindful
  69. Minimal
  70. Modern
  71. Motivated
  72. Original
  73. Natural
  74. Passionate
  75. Playful
  76. Positive
  77. Practical
  78. Progressive
  79. Professional
  80. Quirky
  81. Reflective
  82. Relaxed
  83. Resourceful
  84. Romantic
  85. Sassy
  86. Serious
  87. Sincere
  88. Sophisticated
  89. Strategic
  90. Sustainable
  91. Thoughtful
  92. Timeless
  93. Traditional
  94. Transparent
  95. Trendy
  96. Trustworthy
  97. Unique
  98. Uplifting
  99. Urban
  100. Visionary
  101. Warm
  102. Whimsical
  103. Wild
  104. Witty
  105. Youthful
  106. Zany

Finding the right brand voice for bloggers can seem overwhelming. But lists like these make it so much easier.

I hope you find the right words in this list!

Write Down Your Brand Personality Traits For Your Blog Or Business

You’ll be tempted to just think about your brand personality traits but not record them.

I made this mistake and then forgot which ones I had chosen. This often happens when you’re a busy working mom with a blogging side hustle and you’re over 40.

It’s a good idea to have your brand voice and personality adjectives listed with your notes on your brand palette, style and fonts.

Some people create a “branding bible”: a document which has all key information listed.

You can use it to ensure you’re keeping to your brand strategy at all times.

It’s also helpful when you work with guest bloggers who write and create content for you.

I created something that will help you with this. It’s a printable one-pager for your branding info.

It includes a bonus page for your usernames and passwords for key plugins and social media accounts.

How To Add Your Brand Voice To Content

Now that you have an idea of your brand personality and tone of voice, how will you infuse your content with them?

Consider all of the different types of content to which you can add your brand voice:

  • Your blog content
  • Social media post captions
  • Your social media profile descriptions
  • Your About Me, Work With Me and Contact pages
  • Sales landing pages
  • Your freebie opt-in welcome email series
  • Email newsletters
  • Videos
  • Podcasts

When it comes to making sure your content is consistently using your brand voice, follow my trick: read it out loud before you hit publish.

Not only will you probably catch grammar errors, but you’ll see if it sounds like you!

PRO TIP: One of the best places to build your personal brand voice is in your very own Facebook group. You set the tone! Read up on how to create a Facebook group for your blog.

| RELATED: 16 Types Of Blog Posts That Generate Clicks

Find Your Blog Tone Of Voice And Start Attracting Followers

When I started focusing on using a consistent brand voice in my blog content, social media posts and email newsletter, I noticed a great change in my community.

My readers, subscribers, Facebook group members and followers all engaged with me more!

I started to get amazing feedback, with people understanding my “vibe” and my blog’s mission. And I started generating more blog coaching and blog audit clients.

If you’re reading this, you’re truly vested in understanding how you can brand your blog, beyond the visuals.

Remember to do the following:

  • Consider your personal branding: infuse your blog or business content with your personal voice
  • Choose three brand personality traits and build out a list of adjectives that fleshes them out
  • Note the brand voice adjectives you’ve chosen: write them down in your “Brand Standards” document or bible
  • Be consistent in your communication style and tone of voice!

You’ll start seeing your audience and customers “getting it” when it comes to your brand.

If you’re looking to get some awesome templates for branding your blog, check out my friend Gia Rose from Her Content Plan.

QUESTION: What three brand personality adjectives best describe your blog/business brand? What is your brand voice?

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