Want to know how to write an About Me page? More specifically how to write an About Me page for a blog? Or your business?
How can you effectively introduce yourself and your blog or blog business site to your audience to convert them into followers and potential clients or customers?
I know the struggle. I’ve changed and tweaked my About Me pages for my sites several times over the years.
You know that the About Me page is one of the most important pages on your blog site. It’s one of the most visited pages on blogs and business sites.
When I changed my blog niche, I completely overhauled my About page. However, writing about your blog and yourself isn’t always easy. I wish I had an About Me page template to help me out!
Writing about yourself is never easy. It’s just as difficult at times to write about your blog and business.
The About Me page is where your site visitors get a snapshot of what to expect from your blog and what you offer them content and solution-wise.
This is why it’s so important to get it right.
I’ll share what you need to know to write an About Me page that tells your reader what to expect when visiting your site.
In this About Me page template checklist, I’ll break it down into steps to make it easy to follow. You’ll also get a few page examples for inspiration.
It doesn’t matter if you are just starting a blog, or if you’re rebranding it, having a great About page is important.
At the end of this post, you’ll find clarity and learn how to write a About Me page that tells your readers exactly how your site can help them.
DISCLOSURE: This post contains affiliate links, meaning if you click on a product or service, and decide to purchase it, I may receive a commission at no extra cost to you. All recommended products and services are based on my positive experience with them. For more information, please read my Disclaimer.
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An About Me Page For A Blog And For A Business: Are They The Same?
Yes, they are somewhat the same. However, the key difference is your goal.
What do you want the reader to do when they read your About Me page if you’re a blogger?
What about if you’re running a business, such as a coaching business or consultancy? Maybe you’re a freelancer.
The elements on your page will be different, but also in many cases the same.
Here’s what we’ll cover:
- How to write an About Me page for your blog.
- What your readers need to see at a glance that gives them all they need to read further, subscribe to your newsletter and become return site visitors.
- How to write an About Me page for your online business site,
- Whether you’re a solopreneur or run a small online business that offers services/products, there will be additional things you may want to add to an About Me Page that turn visitors into potential clients and customers.
Let’s get started!
Writing Your About Me Page: A Few Key Things To Remember
Just like there is a process for writing a great blog post, there are several things to consider when you write an About Me page.
- Always remember, the key thing the reader is wondering is “what will following this blog bring of value to me?” Give them a good understanding of how you can help them, particularly with their pain points.
- Be authentic! Throughout your About Me page, always use your own brand voice.
- Tell your story. In your biography tell the reader how you got into blogging and why you are passionate about your blog niche topic.
- Be yourself. Show your sense of humour occasionally, and be real! This is what will attract your readers to your blog.
- Think about how to promote yourself in the best light, but don’t overdo it. Don’t be negative!
- Keep your text concise, short and sweet!
- Avoid clichés. Try not to use overused phrases such as “passionate about” or “love to learn”. Use specific examples to illustrate your points.
- Avoid grammatical errors: proofread your work or use the Grammarly browser extension to catch them for you.
- Use SEO keywords in your content: think of how you want your blog or business site discovered in search engines.
- Add affiliate links sparingly – this isn’t the place to promote other brands. Instead, if you have your own affiliate program, you may want to include it towards the end as a call to action.
If you keep these several things in mind throughout the whole process, you’ll craft the perfect About Me page that presents you and your blog or business in the best way to new readers.
Finally, if you’re writing an About Me page for your solopreneur business, the key elements are the same.
However, you should be hyperfocused on how you can create a transformation for your readers. They want to know what’s in it for them so that they have a reason to further check out your site.
Get An About Me Page Template
Itching to get started?
Want to write an About Me page, right now?
Here’s an About Me page template that will help if you’re a blogger. It may also give you a good starting point if you’re a small online business owner or solopreneur.
| Related: How To Rebrand Your Blog The Right Way
How To Write An About Me Page For A Blog
These are steps and tips to consider for your About Me page.
I’ve used some of these for my About Me page on my Suburban Tourist blog About page.
1. Know Your Mission And Vision
Before you begin creating an About Me page, you have to do one preliminary step.
Figure out your mission and vision! If haven’t done this yet, now is the time to figure it out.
Hey… no worries. It took me a while to figure out my blog’s brand identity, and mission and vision statements.
I’m still tinkering with my Suburban Tourist blog’s About Me page as it evolves into a midlife lifestyle blog.
When you were deciding on what your blog would be about, you had an idea of your niche and who you would be writing for.
The same can apply if you have a business site (e.g., a service-based business, coaching, etc.).
- Think of the niche – what is your blog all about? Your business?
- Who are you writing for? Who’s your target audience/consumer?
- Why are you writing about these topics for these people?
- What problem are you trying to solve?
- Are you inspiring, entertaining or educating? Or perhaps your goal is to persuade?
- What do you hope the reader will get out of your site?
These questions will help you craft your mission and vision statements. These will in turn help you write the perfect About Me page that will attract your ideal readers and customers.
| Related: Reasons Why Personal Branding For Bloggers Is A Must-Do Activity
When you’re creating an About Me page, always think about what the reader wants to know.
The truth is, the About Me page isn’t about you. It’s about what your site can do for the reader.
If you had 30 seconds to explain what your blog or site is about and who it’s for, and what it does, what would it be? The Mission statement is an excellent place to start.
So when you’re starting to write an About Me page, make sure you have a good idea of the blog’s brand identity and purpose.
When somebody visits your About Me page, they probably scan the first two to three paragraphs quickly and then exit the site.
If you don’t have a summary of what your blog is about in that first paragraph, you may lose a potential reader or brand partner.
This first section should contain:
- Your blog focus or niche in general terms (mission statement)
- The audience you’re writing for
- Why you’re blogging on these topics (vision statement)
The first section of your About Me Page should also share what kind of blog topics your readers can expect to see.
This is where a bullet list of your key blog categories is a good idea.
PRO TIP: This is the section where you can also add a paragraph or bullet list of your core values. It’s a great way to attract readers that will love your content.
3. Talk About Your Credibility
Right after the first section, it’s time to talk about you.
You’re positioning yourself as an expert in your blog niche.
Don’t worry if you’re not an accredited expert with a formal education. Even if it’s a hobby, you are more likely more experienced in it than the reader. Avoid imposter syndrome!
When writing your About Me page, you should include something that speaks to your credibility.
This section should be short and sweet.
- Why are you an expert in the subject matter?
- What’s your relevant background – have you taken courses, certifications, relevant education, work experience?
- Is this a lifelong hobby?
Demonstrate why you can provide interesting information based on a sincere interest in the topics covered.
If you have professional experience, talk about it briefly and how you share your knowledge through your posts.
Answer why you are sharing it – i.e. you want to help readers achieve goals, learn something that can help them, etc.
When you create an About Me page, it’s always good to include a photo of yourself.
Add a professional headshot or a well-edited photo taken by you or somebody else. Sometimes you can take great shots with a phone camera with edits in Lightroom.
PRO TIP: If your About page is for your blog business, think about what your ideal client is looking for from you in terms of services or products you sell. Your credibility matters. Your About page is a powerful tool for promoting you and for your personal branding.
Right after you share your expertise, it’s time to add a bit of your personal story to your About Me page.
The keyword here is a bit. The reader doesn’t want your life story.
Depending on how much you want to share with your audience, you can tell them about your family and your interests if they are relevant to your blog. If not, leave this out.
You can create a heading that speaks to the personal stuff, such as “A Few Interesting Facts About Me”.
You can also let them know where you’re located if you have a blog about local activities and places of interest.
You can share a professional photo or a personal photo here. This is the right place to share one of you doing your favourite hobby that’s related to your blog.
TIP: Be careful when you write an About Me page as to what kind of interests you share.
Remember, prospective clients, do look at things such as your blog.
NOTE: This is the section where you can focus on your personal branding: be authentic and the real you!
| RELATED: How To Determine Your Blog’s Brand Voice
5. Include A Call-To-Action To Build A Community
Take advantage of an interested audience and include a mailing list sign-up form, embedded in the final section.
The best way to get people to sign up for your email list is to offer them an enticing freebie.
Get them interested in hearing from you with emails in their inbox.
So think about the most useful one that you can offer and insert the embedded form in this section.
Tell them what they will receive weekly, and how the newsletter gives them some sort of exclusive freebie or tips to entice them to sign up.
If you don’t have your email newsletter set up yet, what are you waiting for?
I love using Mailerlite. It’s so easy to set it up and it looks great with embeds on my site!
Setting up and organizing automation is a breeze compared to MailChimp and other platforms.
| Read: How To Get Started With An Email List For Your Blog
Additional Section To Entice Brands For Collaborations
After the upfront sections that speak to your potential readers, you can add a couple of paragraphs and a list of links to product reviews or branded collaborations.
This is so that brands can easily see what kind of work you’ve done with other brands in the past.
They want to see what kind of potential work you can do with them.
6. Add A Contact Me Section To Your About Me Page
This is one of the key things that makes for a perfect About Me Page.
Include a contact form on your About Me page to make it easy for people and brands to get in touch with you.
The best place to add the contact form is right below the section where you talk about working with brands.
You’re bound to get more contact from potential partners if you make it super easy for them to do so!
This is one of the things many people forget to include when they create an About Me page. But it’s a no-brainer!
7. Add Relevant, Attractive Visuals To Your About Me Page
When you create an About Me page you can also brand yourself visually.
Take a moment to head over to my lifestyle blog’s About Me page, and I’ll show you what I mean.
I included a “Welcome to Suburban Tourist” photo that’s big and splashy, with hints of my key colour: warm pink.
If your blog includes your original photography, showcase your skill with one of your best photos.
Add a brief blurb about it and your photography interests. If you have a photo blog, this is where you can feature a gallery of your best photos.
If you don’t have your own visuals, invest in some great-looking stock photography. Check out my favourites from:
| Related: The Top Stock Photo Sites For Bloggers
8. Add Headings Throughout Your About Me Page
One of the biggest things that annoys me when I’m reading an About Me page is the verbal vomit I see. Sorry for being so graphic, but it’s true!
Make your text look appealing and easily readable.
When you create an About Me page, you want your reader to take the time to read it. How it all looks is something very important to consider.
A few tips on making it look great:
- Break up your writing into paragraphs. Use two to three sentences in a paragraph. It’s so much easier to read.
- Headings help you with your content flow. Edit, edit and do some more editing. I wrote my About Me page about five or six times with edits before I came to a fairly succinct but informative page.
- Headings help your readers scan through your information quickly. Use the right wording to help them find what they are interested in reading about on your page.
9. Wrap It Up With A Signature (Optional)
If you’re a blogger, you can make your About Me page a bit more personal.
You can add a little “Until next time!”, or whatever else you’d like to add, and then your name in a lovely script or handwritten font. It’s a nice, personal touch and it finishes off your text.
It’s completely optional, so don’t feel like it’s a must-have.
PRO TIP: Create a signature using your favourite font in Photoshop or Canva Pro and save the JPG (or as a transparent PNG). Upload the file to your media library and re-use it every time you finish your blog post.
How To Write An About Me Page For Your Business
So now you have all of the information you need for an About Me Page for a blog.
Many of these tips I’ve listed above work for a business site as well.
However, you need to take things a few steps further if you’re creating an About Me page for a business.
Add Testimonials And Social Proof
In the sections where you have your biography, and position your niche expertise and credibility, it’s great to include these two things:
- Two to three testimonials: these can be scattered throughout your About Me page
- Coverage and content: share links to coverage about you and your business, guest posts you’ve written on other reputable sites (e.g., “As Seen In” section with logos that lead to article links).
Testimonials and social proof can spark interest in potential brand collaborations, coaching or consulting clients and freelance opportunities. Don’t omit these!
Add A Section With A Brief Overview Of Your Services
When you write an About Me page for your business, don’t forget to briefly mention your services.
The best way to do this is to create a table with your key services listed.
Add a link to a separate Services or Work With Me page that elaborates on what you offer.
Include Links To Your Top Resources Or Products
If you’re a course creator or have an amazing series of ebooks and workbooks, highlight them in a section that points to their landing pages.
This entices your site visitor to check out what you’re offering.
Want to impress your site visitor? Give them something to read that showcases your abilities or offers them something of value.
It could be as easy as a few free worksheets, templates or
Include an opt-in form for your free lead magnet.
| RELATED: Top Lead Magnet Ideas For Your Blog
Include A Video Of You!
If you’re working on boosting your personal branding to accelerate your business growth, the best way to do this is to add a video of you on your About Me page.
It’s a fantastic way to showcase your personality, share your values, how you help your potential customers or clients, and what your vision is for their success.
People are drawn to the people behind the business or a blog. Don’t hide!
Add A Contact Form At The End Of Your About Me Page
Consider adding a contact form to your About Me page. This gives the site visitor a quick way to connect with you if they love what they’re seeing.
They don’t need to search for a Contact Me page.
There you go! Now you know how to write an About Me page – even if it’s your business site!
PRO TIP: Avoid adding your email address on your About Me Page unless you want to get on email lists of spammers, SEO agencies offering their services and others trying to get their links on your blog.
A Summary Of What To Include In An About Me Page
Now that I’ve given you all these steps to write an About Me page, you can get started!
I would love to see what you come up with for your About Me pages!
- Tell them about your blog niche, mission and how you can help them, inspire or entertain them
- Briefly talk about your credibility
- Be a bit personal and show your humanity
- Organize your page with headings
- Be visual with relevant images that fit your brand, you and your blog’s personality
- If you want to work with brands, make it easy for them to see your work and how they can work with you
- Provide an easy way to contact you
- Wrap it up with a personal touch
That’s it!
Drop me a line with a link to your About Me page in the comment section below. I’d be happy to review them and give you feedback.
About Me Page Template And Worksheet
To make it easier for you to write an About Me page, I’ve made an “About Me Page Template” worksheet to guide you.
It goes through the steps from start to finish, giving you prompts and space to write down your notes.
Print it out, write out your information and then start putting it together in a proper post.
You can always tweak it to work with your blog niche or your experience. Get your About Me page template today and get started!
A Few Great About Me Page Examples
Although I’ve laid out an About Me page template to guide you, each blog’s About Me page will be a bit different.
The key thing to remember is that when you create an About Me page you are addressing your “target audience” – the reader you want to convert into an email subscriber, follower, customer or client.
I’m sharing some of my favourite About Me page examples to inspire you with your blogs and website About pages.
About Me Page Examples For Business Sites
One that’s great for a business site is Elle Drouin’s About page. I like how she starts off focusing on the reader and their needs and then flows into her offerings and expertise.
A business site example: I love this About Me page by Gemma Bonham-Carter. She tells you from the start what she does for YOU! (I may have to borrow her style… 🙂 ).
About Me Page Examples For Blogs
This is a lifestyle blogger who has a beautiful, easy-to-read About Me page – Skye from Thriving and Inspiring.
I like this one from Canadian blogger The Best of This Life – it focuses on the topics and site mission and then leads to a link to know more about the site’s editor. The only thing I would have changed here is to have all of this info on one page.
Here’s a different About Me approach, with two sisters who run the Travel Pocket’s blog. I love how they include links with images to their best posts. They do a Q & A for each sister. It works for their type of blog.
Create Your Perfect About Me Page
Now that you know how to create an About Me page for a blog and your new business, you can use it to attract your ideal client and reader.
I’ve provided you with a flow to the content that makes the most sense for the site visitor. Remember, it’s not about you! It’s about them.
What are you offering them on your site that solves their problem and will attract them to stick around to check out your site?
NEED HELP? Work with me during a coaching session to help you fine-tune your audience, your niche and your About Me key messages. Let’s connect!
| Related: How To Write A Great Blog Post That Your Readers Will Find Useful
QUESTION: What do you find is the hardest part of writing an About Me page? What do you think makes for a perfect About Me page?
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Hey Margaret! Thank you for this amazing post and blog. You’re helping me a lot with my New blog. I’m writing the about me page, but since it’s a new blog, I’m not sure if I’m suposed to write about how I work with brands. I want to work with brands, but what do I have to do?
I’m glad this is helpful for you! For the brand work, I’d just keep it simple by having a section that says “Work With Me” on that page – and explain how you want to work with brands briefly. Lead them to a contact form to get in touch with you.
Thank you for the content!
You are most welcome!
Hi Margaret,
I’m Naren, First of all, Thank You for your Blog “How To Write The Perfect About Me Page”. I struggled to write my About me Page as I started my first website recently. I loved the idea of using Signature and I’ve implemented it on my website. Please do have a look at https://blogforarticles.com/about-me/ and your suggestions are valuable to me.
Short & sweet! Looks good Naren. It quickly tells the reader what to expect. Its very good!
I would appreciate an outside opinion.
Took a look – looks GREAT!
Love the signature idea. I can’t wait to put all of this into action. Thank you
You are most welcome! I’d love to see a post. Share it when you can.
Hey Margaret,
Thank you so much for this information! I am currently working on material to get my blog started. I would love to pick your brain on the do’s and don’ts of blogging sometime in the near future!
Again, thanks for giving me this stuff!
Connie, anytime you want to pick my brain, send me an email via my Contact form. Happy to help out!
Hi Margaret!, Great post, I must say, am in love with your blog theme….it’s beautiful!.
Writing an about me page has been a bit challenging for me, which is why I keep updating it from time to time, hopefully I eventually get to the point where I think it’s perfect, thanks for the tips!
Hi Jae! Thank you for the kind feedback. I do hope you find the tips helpful. The About Me page will always evolve and change over time, but it’s good to get the gist of what you want to share with your readers right from the beginning if you can. Make them feel welcome and like they’re at home with your site and you! 🙂
I’ve really been struggling with the “about me” page of my website, and this article is very helpful! Thank you!
That’s awesome! I love to hear feedback like this. Glad to be of help.
Hi Margaret,
Thank you for sharing this great content. Very informative. I’ve recently created my own virtual assistance website, and I’ve realized I need to redo the About Me page. 🙂
Glad to help out! I’ll check out your About Me page and site! 🙂
This page was so informational and I am sure I will return many times to it as I continue to edit and re edit my About Me page. I especially liked the tip to add the contact form to it instead on on a seperate page. I also really liked your selection of example you added. They were well curated and offered a helpful variety to learn from. Thanks
Thank you for this great informational page! I was so excited reading it, it was exactly what I was looking for, as for help. Now I feel more prepared to write my About Me page. I feel capable of writing about myself successfully. Thank you again,
You’re welcome!
This list is so great. You made it look so much easier. This will be very helpful. Thank you so much.
I’m a photographer which means I speak through images, not words.. I’ve never been one for writing it always over whelms me so much and I never have any idea where to begin.
Reading this and taking notes from your blog has given me so much creativity that with my writing that I didn’t know I had. Thank you so much for your wonderful post! You have the best techniques!
Aimee, this feedback makes me smile! I’m glad to see this helping you. That’s why I’m happy to share these tips with others like you!
Such great tips all around! I don’t think I have any headings in my About Me pg yet, and it’s probably been about a year since I last revised it, so thx for reminder to revisit! 🙂
I added some sub-headings a little while ago, and liked how it was easier to read and scan through.
Nicely done, I feel like you did this in such a way that any new blogger would have no problem writing an About Me page. Thanks so much for sharing, will pin this!
Part of the complete redesign on my blog that my husband and I started last week includes redoing the About Me page. It’s still on my to-do list because I never know what to write. This is so helpful and gives me a great place to start!
Perfect timing! I hope my tips provide inspiration. Can’t wait to see it when it’s completed!
I really want to re do mine so this is perfect to start giving it a go! Thank you so much for sharing your knowledge!
Glad to share!
Writing that about me page was hard! I think it was one of the hardest posts I had to write, ever. And it actually delayed the launch date of my blog. Just how to start, what to share. These are excellent tips. And is a great reminder that it’s time for me to update that page!
I’m always tweaking mine. And yes, it’s always tough to toot your own horn without sounding too overly proud.
About me pages seem so simple can be such a stumbling block! It’s so important to be genuine and conversational.
Agree! Have a voice that’s your own come through.
My advice to people who want to write ABOUT ME pages is to always write full of personality – YOUR PERSONALITY – so people can really get a grasp of who you are through your writing style! All your ideas are great too 🙂
Yes! The personality also sets the tone!
Your about Me page should be a page you are happy to share with others and it can be as quirky or as irreverent as you want it to be. I’m not interested in cookie cutter pages or ones that look like a PR team created it. I love getting to know people as they are… That to me is authentic.
Hi Elizabeth – yes, your personality should shine. This makes them look authentic. Adding in some headings, a few attractive photos, and links to your best work helps you put your best foot forward. It’s like a first date. You want to make a great first impression. That’s all I’m saying.