Woman typing on a laptop at a desk - how to write a blog post outline.

I often get this complaint from my blog coaching students: “I’m not sure how to structure a blog post.” You can make it easy for yourself when you learn how to write a blog post outline and create a blog format to follow every single time.

At this point in my blogging career, I’ve memorized the “blog post flow” I consistently use.

This makes my blog look professional and makes developing and formatting my blog much easier.

It also makes it much easier to create a blog post outline that takes readers through a progression of tips or answers to questions they may have.

I’ll teach you the tips and tricks of how to write a blog outline and create a blog format that works for you. Start writing better blog posts!

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How To Write A Blog Post Outline

Why Do You Need A Blog Outline?

While some bloggers like to “wing it” (me included at times), others like the benefits of having a blog post outline.

What are the top reasons to have an outline for your blog post?

  • An organized structure, keeping you focused and on-topic
  • Efficiency and saving time with a plan in place
  • A coherent flow of information
  • Better SEO with keywords in headings and sub-headings
  • Consistency in terms of quality across all of your blog posts

A blog outline is an important part of a weekly blogging schedule.

The best part is that they don’t take too long to create. You can batch your blog post outlines to save time.

How To Structure A Blog Post

Let’s first look at how to structure a blog post as this will help you write a blog post outline.

Like a thesis or if you like to visualize things – an Oreo cookie – a blog post has three sections:

  • Introduction
  • Body
  • Conclusion
Person opening Oreo cookie - how to write a blog post outline.

Each section has a role to play that takes your reader through a journey of discovery (the solution to the problem or inspiration).

Introductions Spark Interest To Read Further

The first few paragraphs of your introduction need to address the problem and hook your reader into continuing to read the post.

There are several methods:

  • Setting out the problem, and providing insight into a potential solution in the post
  • Posing a thoughtful question related to the problem
  • Sharing a statistic – “Did you know that…”
  • Contextual background information on the topic – “One of the core problems that many ….”
  • A quote introduction that’s related to the topic
  • An anecdote or story that speaks to the problem, especially a personal one (for added credibility).
  • Painting the picture – “Imagine that you are…”

I prefer setting the problem and providing insight into a solution, as well as providing contextual background for my introductions. They seem to work best for me.

However, it’s good to test what works with your audience.

PRO TIP: Some of the introduction types make it easy to add your SEO keyword in the first paragraph. Others require some creative writing.

| RELATED: How To Write Your First Blog Post

The Body Of Your Blog Post: Share The Solution Or Information

The next part of how to structure a blog post is the body.

There are many types of blog posts, with the “how-to” tutorial blog post being the most popular.

This is where you expand on the steps or points that offer a solution to the problem you’ve introduced in the title and the introduction.

These have to be legitimate, real solutions.

It’s best if you’ve tried the solutions and have visual proof of your process and success – i.e. photos, screenshots, or video.

However, some blog posts don’t require a step-by-step process.

They’re sometimes information-based posts such as listicles or explanations for “what?”, “why? “where?” or “when?” questions. For these, you use the body to answer the questions.

As I mentioned, the blog post structure is like an Oreo cookie: the body is the filling. The bottom cookie is the conclusion, which we’ll get to next.

Conclusions Are For Brief Summaries And A Call-To-Action

The last part of your blog post outline is the toughest part – the conclusion.

Here are a few “don’t do’s”:

  • Don’t write “Conclusion” in the header. Use a keyword.
  • Don’t summarize the body of your post and leave it at that.
  • Don’t avoid writing a conclusion.
  • Don’t ignore this opportunity to prompt your reader to engage with your content.

Summarize the content you shared briefly.

What I like to do is share a vision of what I want the reader to do next. I prompt them to try this approach themself.

Or I prompt them to interact with something I’m sharing in the last part of my post.

This can be:

There are more options for ending a blog post engagingly. These are just a start!

How To Write A Blog Post Outline Pin2

How To Write A Blog Post Outline Quickly And Easily

You now know how to structure a blog post, so creating an outline should be easier.

Here’s how I create my outlines:


  • The first paragraph poses the question including the keyword
  • Context or personal angle on the problem and solution
  • What the reader will learn
  • Disclosure statement
  • Pinterest pin #1 (for bookmarking)


  • Main header for the section (usually something with the main keyword)
  • Brief introduction to the tips I’m about to share
  • Tips or ideas organized by sub-headings


  • Brief overview of what the reader has learned
  • Additional tips or related posts
  • Lead magnet opt-in embed
  • Question prompt
  • Pinterest pin image #2

I consistently use this blog format for my blog post outlines. It makes it easier for me to write blog posts much faster.

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How To Format Your Blog For Consistency

I’ve mentioned this trick several times in this post, but I’ll stress it again: learn how to format your blog.

Your blog looks professional when you use an aesthetically pleasing, consistent blog format.

Take a moment to look at this blog post to see my typical blog post format.

PRO TIP: The WordPress block editor (switch it from the Classic editor) has a spacer block which allows you to create white space between text and elements such as images. This reduces the cramped look of text in your post. I use a standard spacing of 30 px to be consistent. For example, I added a spacer between this block and the header just below.

Get A Free Blog Post Outline Template

You’ve learned about the three parts of a blog post structure and about creating a consistent blog format, and you’re ready to scale up to a professional blogger.

To make it easier, I’m sharing this printable blog post outline template:

Here are a couple of tools that I love to use, that you’ll want to check out to improve your blog post writing:

Headline Checker – make your headlines clickworthy with this free tool.

Grammarly – improve your grammar and spelling, and your writing style with the upgraded version

Reword – use AI to organize your headings and content, and to remind you to include information that may be relevant to your readers

Rank IQ – for SEO keyword research, but also with a writing editor.

Related tip: have you set up your navigation menu properly in WordPress? Read how to easily set it up, and make sure it flows well for an easy site visitor experience.

QUESTION: What do you find is the most difficult about writing a blog post outline?

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