Faceless woman preparing a bath - self-care tips for entrepreneurs and bloggers.

Let’s face it – whether you’re growing a business or blogging, these activities can suck you in, leaving you with little time for yourself. That’s why I’m sharing these 10 easy self-care tips for entrepreneurs and busy bloggers so that you can balance your life and avoid burnout.

From mental, and physical to spiritual wellness, self-care is an important focus for anybody – be it a blogger or a busy mom.

But how can you squeeze it in throughout a busy week?

The self-care ideas for bloggers I’m about to share with you don’t take up too much time but have great benefits.

They’re easy to implement and they make you feel good!

At the end of this post, you’re going to want to try a few of these self-care tips – ASAP!

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Top 10 Self-Care Tips For Entrepreneurs And Bloggers

Let me preface this list of self-care ideas with this one tip: you don’t have to do them all. Pick and choose those that work best with your lifestyle and get you results.

Feeling and looking your best goes a long way in improving your personal brand as an entrepreneur or blogger.

They give you the confidence to banish imposter syndrome and keep on track with your goals.

1. Give Yourself A Hand Massage

It’s what gets abused the most in any business that uses computers. Our wrists, hands and fingers get tired after a long day of typing on a computer.

Here’s what I love to do at the end of a long day: using a quality hand lotion, I thoroughly massage my wrists, palms of my hands and my fingers – down to the tips.

Ever get a hand massage at a nail salon? They’re awesome, right?

Give yourself the same experience. If possible, have your partner or family member massage your hands. That’s even better!

2. Write In Your Journal

Journal writing is a popular self-care tip for entrepreneurs and bloggers alike.

Since it’s a personal thing to do, writing things like your goals, affirmations and thoughts on your successes or mistakes can be freeing.

Keeping thoughts bottled up in our heads is limiting.

It’s always nice to look back at older journal entries to see how far we’ve come, or to remind ourselves of what we wanted to achieve.

| RELATED: Setting Realistic Blog Goals And How To Achieve Them

3. Go For A Walk

One of the simplest self-care tips for entrepreneurs and bloggers is the walk.

It seems like a no-brainer, but how often do we step away from our laptops and phones?

I’m not going to even go into the health benefits of walking, because much has been written before about what it does for you.

Going for a walk lets you also think about problems without distractions.

PRO TIP: It’s a bonus if your walk takes you through a park or natural woodlot. There’s something about being in nature that refreshes me. Even better if you can take a moment to slip off your shoes and place your feet directly on the ground. Grounding is thought to have great benefits for your body.

Faceless woman walking a dog - self-care tips for entrepreneurs and bloggers.
Photo credit: Styled Stock Society

4. Take A Shower Or Bubble Bath

Got 15 to 30 minutes to spare in a day?

If you’re working from home on a solopreneur business or as a blogger, you may find your days blending together in a blur.

It’s easy to get sucked into everything you need to do for your business, household or family and ignore the basic necessity of a shower.

BUT… if you could take a slightly longer shower with your favourite soap and shampoo wouldn’t you feel more refreshed and ready to tackle your business challenges?

If you want to treat yourself, a bubble bath to decompress at the end of the day or on a weekend is just the thing.

Make a standing appointment with yourself for some pampering.

5. Exercises For Rounded Shoulders

Since we sit at a laptop for long periods of time, it’s possible we’re creating rounded shoulders. But there are ways to reduce the effects of long computer use and most likely a poor ergonomic set-up.

There are exercises you can do: from stretches to massages that help.

This article gives five activities for rounded shoulders. I use many of these to improve my posture.

6. Give Yourself A Manicure

One of the most popular self-care tips for bloggers and entrepreneurs is a manicure. Just like our hands get abused on a daily basis, so do our nails.

I know long nails look elegant and cool, depending on your design. But long nails are also hell on your laptop keys.

They also make typing fast more difficult. Your hand and fingers are held stiffly to accommodate the long nail.

Cut your nails and while you’re at it, give yourself a manicure!

7. Take A Nap

Can you squeeze in an afternoon nap?

All you need is a short 15-minute cat nap and you’ll feel refreshed and ready to tackle the rest of your day.

I’ve included napping in this list of self-care ideas for entrepreneurs because it does work wonders.

Recently I got this fantastic Zonli cool blanket – bamboo cloth with a special cooling material that’s weighted enough to feel like you have something on you, but without heating you up. It’s my go-to for naps in a dark room.

Bedroom with a blue cooling blanket on a bed.

8. Have A Coffee/Tea Break

If a nap isn’t your thing, maybe brewing yourself a good cup of coffee or tea is a self-care routine you need to start implementing.

I’ve made things a bit more special at home by creating a mini coffee station in my kitchen.

A selection of my favourite coffees in glass Ikea jars alongside my kettle makes my afternoon coffee break ritual elegant.

| READ MORE: Two Awesome Coffee Brands For Busy Entrepreneurs And Bloggers

9. Create And Implement A Sunday Night Routine

If you have no time during the week, reserve some self-care time for Sunday night and make it a routine.

From journalling to giving yourself a manicure… or focusing on skincare. Whatever the activity, give yourself a break on Sunday night.

| READ MORE: 7 Easy Tips For A Perfect Sunday Night Routine

10. Feed Your Spirit

I like to do this in the mornings. Self-care also includes spiritual self-care.

Whether you’re a believer or not, taking a moment to pray, meditate, or even take a quiet moment in nature to calm your soul is a fantastic way to practice self-care.

PRO TIP: This activity pairs nicely with journaling and is ideal for quiet mornings or late nights before bed.

Self-Care Strategies For Solopreneurs And Bloggers For Work-Life Balance

Is it hard to implement these self-care ideas for bloggers and solopreneurs? No.

Do you need to carve out a bit of time to do them? Yes.

That’s going to be something you’re going to consciously need to do. Maintaining a work-life balance when you’re working for yourself isn’t easy when you add family and parenting duties to the mix.

Give yourself a break! You deserve it.

Before you go, get this free pack of 10 Pinterest pin templates that will speed up pin image production, giving you more time for some self-care.

QUESTION: Which one of these self-care tips for entrepreneurs and bloggers do you find helpful?

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